Hand Weeding


Good management techniques are so important to the long-term health and successful establishment of your garden.  We offer customized maintenance and oversight services that nurture your garden and keep it performing at it’s maximum potential.   Our services include:

Hand Weeding

Our weeding schedule started in early March just before the soil temperature warms-up and the summer weeds begin to germinate.  Weeding continues into summer and fall during active growing seasons.  During our visits we will also perform any necessary dead-heading and trimming.  Most plans include an average of 11 visits between the months of March and October.

Spring / Fall Clean-up 

In spring we manually cutback all plant material and re-mulch.  In fall we trim any over grown shrubs and fertilize plant material for the next years blooming cycle.

Transplanting and Design Consultation

Our maintenance plans come with on-going design consultation and advice to ensure that the garden is performing it’s best.  This includes complimentary transplanting of perennials and shrubs as needed.